The Pros and Cons Of Using Pod Storage To Move

Is a pod storage the right moving tool for you? If you are selling your home and moving, there are many options out there to move your personal belongings from your current to your new home. What are the pros and cons of using pod storage?


When selling your home, the last thing you want is a big storage container in front of your home. Buyers want to see the home, not a big container, and if it happens to be there when listing photos are taken, that is really going to present a problem. Storage containers are a better option for people who don’t need to start packing until their home is sold.

Pros of pod storage:

  • Most pods are rented monthly, so you can have your container delivered and slowly work on packing all your belongings inside. When you rent a truck, it is normally loaded within hours or a day in a big rush.
  • If you need to store your belongings for a time between homes, the pod will be picked up and taken to a storage facility until you are ready to have the contents delivered to your new home.
  • Since containers are typically rented by the month, once your container is at your new home, you can take your time to unpack it.
  • Storage containers are normally less expensive than moving trucks.

Cons of a pod storage:

  • Every company that rents containers is different. Not all companies will transport your container out of your area or your state. Make sure to find out if the company will transport to your new home before you decide to rent.
  • Packing it up over time may lead to sloppy packing and a lot of wasted space in the container. Containers come in different sizes but may not be large enough for you to fit all your items into one.
  • The better pod companies are booked months in advance, with pick up and delivery dates on weekends booked out even further. You will need to plan ahead to schedule your container at the time you want it

Take the time in advance to make sure a storage container will work best for you, research the different companies, their policies, costs, and booking availability. For some containers may be ideal, for others, perhaps not.