5 Staging Tips for Winter Showings

If your home is for sale during the winter, follow these 5 staging tips to keep potential buyers happy and interested in your home. Some may find it hard to believe, but homes do sell in the winter months. Showing a home in the winter is a bit different than in other times of the year here in the Midwest.


1) First Impression

If your home isn’t buried in snow, make sure the leaves have been cleaned up and your landscaping looks as neat and orderly as possible. Normally in this part of the country, we have snow all winter long. Even if there is only a light snow, always keep your driveway and walkways clear. Buyers want to see an exterior that is well cared for when they pull up. Keeping things shoveled will also reduce the tracking of snow into your home. If you have holiday decorations and lights outside, remove them promptly after the holidays.


2) Have a Buyer Welcome Area

During the winter, buyers are bundled up with heavy coats, scarves, gloves, and boots. Turn your entryway into a place where buyers can unload some of their bulk. Many people appreciate a chair or bench to sit on for removing shoes and boots. Adding a shoe tray will give buyers a place to put wet footwear so it doesn’t make a big mess on the floor. A hook or place for buyers to leave coats, gloves, and hats during their tour is also a nice touch.


3) Decorations

You may love decorating for the holidays, but if possible, keep the decorations to a minimum. It is important not to over-decorate. Decorations will distract buyers from seeing your home, and some items—such as Christmas trees—take up space and can make rooms appear smaller.

During the winter, several holidays that invite home decorating come and go. Make sure to take down decorations shortly after the holidays. Buyers don’t want to see a home full of holiday decorations in the middle of January.


4) Brighten It Up

Winter is a darker time of year, so light up your home to give it a warm look! Make sure lamps and lights have the highest wattage bulbs, and turn them all on for a showing. Open your curtains and shades are to let in natural light. For evening showings, turn on all the outside lights too.


5) Turn Up the Heat

Many of us use smart thermostats to keep our homes cooler while we are away. Turn off that setting if you are having showings—and if anything, dial the temperature up a degree or two. Buyers should not be shivering while viewing your home. And on the other hand, make sure it’s not too warm in your home either. By setting a comfortable temperature, buyers will feel cozy and be more likely to stay in your home longer and look around.


Staging for winter showings is fairly easy. By creating a nice environment for prospective buyers, you will increase your chances of positive showings!